
All Leasehold Land For Sale

Bali Select | Leasehold Land For Sale in Bali

Leasehold Land In Quite Area Of Tabanan

Banjar Malmundeh

Rp 4.350.000 / Are / Year
2240 m² 2240 m²
Rp 4.350.000 / Are
2240 m² 2240 m²

Waterfall View of Leasehold Land in Ubud


Rp 5.300.000.000
3700 m² 3700 m²
Rp 5.300.000.000
3700 m² 3700 m²

24 Are Leasehold Land In Tegal Mengkeb, Tabanan

Tegal Mengkeb, Selemadeg Timur

Rp 1.620.000.000
2400 m² 2400 m²
Rp 1.620.000.000
2400 m² 2400 m²

Leasehold Land In Quiet Area Near Canggu

Abian Base

Rp 2.430.000.000
1350 m²
Rp 2.430.000.000
1350 m²

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